Analysis of Catastrophe Losses and Financial Functions of Catastrophe Loss Compensation 巨灾风险及巨灾损失补偿的金融功能观分析
Loss compensation principle is to show the insurance contract that amending a gender is medium, when insurance accident happening causes insurance symptom or when insurant loss, the underwriter gives the compensation of insurant number, cannot exceed the pecuniary loss that insurant place suffers. 损失补偿原则是指在补偿性的保险合同中,当保险事故发生造成保险标的或被保险人损失时,保险人给予被保险人的赔偿数额,不能超过被保险人所遭受的经济损失。
It considers that death compensation is for the loss of future earnings, which falls within the ambit of property loss compensation rather than moral injury compensation. “死伤损害说”是批判包括“继承丧失说”在内的人身损害差额化赔偿的一种理论学说。
In connection with the characteristics of national generation right trading, the main responsibility part is analyzed and the scope of the grid loss compensation is defined. 针对我国发电权交易的特点,分析了发电权交易的责任主体,并对网损补偿的范围进行了界定。
Energy Loss Compensation of Backscattering of the High-Energy Laser Energy Meter 高能激光计后向散射能量损失补偿方法研究
Application research on optimization model for tax planning in profit and loss compensation 优化模型在盈亏抵补纳税筹划中应用的研究
This article points out that there are four values in civil tort action of securities, that is, loss compensation; 文章指出,证券民事侵权诉讼的主要价值有四:填补损失;
This model can more fully reflect the whole process of degeneration of cartilage with osteoarthritis from compensatory hyperplasia at the early period to the decrease of chondrocytes and matrix after loss compensation, from becoming soft of cartilage to denudation and deletion that featured at advanced stage. 此模型能较为全面地反应骨性关节炎软骨退变从早期的代偿性增生到失代偿后软骨细胞和基质减少,软骨变软到剥脱缺失为特点的晚期改变的全过程。
It firstly expounds basic insurance principles: principle of maximum credit, principle of insurance profit, principle of loss compensation; Principle of immediate cause suits export credit insurance, it emphasizes the special principle of export credit, that is principle of risk partaking; 最大诚信原则、保险利益原则、损失补偿原则、近因原则适用于出口信用保险,并在此基础上着重论述了出口信用保险之特殊原则,即风险共担原则;
Part four: The application to enterprises tax planning for optimization models is studied, where, two typical models are studied emphatically, one is profit or loss compensation optimization model which is long term, the other is transfer price optimization model which is short term. 第四部分:研究了优化模型在企业纳税筹划中的应用,其中重点研究了两个具有代表性的模型,一个是长期的盈亏抵补优化模型,另一个是短期的转让定价优化模型。
The antinomy can be overcome by fixing the compensation amount and replacing expected loss compensation with full expected loss compensation. 采取锁定赔偿额度,以完全预期损失赔偿替代预期损失赔偿可以克服这一悖论。
Research conclusions show that China should establish mechanism of government guide natural disasters loss compensation. 研究结论表明我国应该建立政府诱导型的自然灾害补偿机制。
A Research on the Loss Compensation of Non-property Caused by the Action of Breaking Contract 违约行为引起的非财产损害赔偿问题研究
The method of property includes the actual loss compensation and solatium paying. 金钱上救济包括实际损失赔偿和抚慰金的支付。而抚慰金在形式上具有金钱替代功能性质,在本质上不过仍为金钱赔偿。
The second part, opportunity benefit loss compensation theory theory. 其次,机会利益丧失赔偿理论的理论依据。
The ecological compensation fees contain four parts: environmental recovery compensation, ecosystem services compensation, environmental pollution and economic loss compensation. And the calculation methods for each part have been given in this paper. 将生态补偿计算划分为4个部分,即恢复治理工程费用补偿、生态系统服务功能补偿、环境污染经济损失补偿和社会经济状况补偿,并对每一部分给出了相应的计算方法。
The lack of risk incentive and loss compensation mechanism makes the return and risk liability of fund managers asymmetric. 在这种缺乏风险激励机制和投资损失风险赔偿约束机制下,基金管理人收益报酬和风险责任是不对称的,即报酬与风险不相关,这导致基金管理人自然缺乏盈利的动力。
I mainly from value analysis and the perspective of legal analysis of pure economic loss Compensation System for a series of ideas. 第四部分,纯粹经济损失赔偿责任制度的价值分析和法律分析。
Additionally, if the issue which needs to be known by the public belongs to a legal matter, no judicial expertise is wanted. Contrarily the determination on loss compensation based on the auditing has the feasibility and reliability. 此外,是否为公众所知悉应属法律性问题,不应进行司法鉴定,相反,通过审计确定损害赔偿额却具有可行性和可靠性。
The measurement and control systems of speed loss compensation and motor angular displacement control based on virtual instrument technology are established, and data acquisition module, data analysis and processing module and data output module are elaborated. 基于虚拟仪器技术完成了转速降落补偿测控系统和位置控制测控系统的开发,并对系统中使用的数据采集模块、数据分析处理模块、数据输出模块进行了阐述。
Finally, this paper discussed this issue that to rent a contract is invalid after decoration materials caused loss compensation. 最后,本文对房屋租赁合同被认定无效后因装饰装修物引起的损失赔偿问题进行探讨。
A human temporal bone experimental plateform, which used for middle ear implants 'performance test, was self-designed and built. And the hearing loss compensation capability of the designed incus driving type piezoelectric vibrator was tested on this plateform. 搭建了自行设计的可用于人工中耳测试的颞骨实验平台,并基于该实验平台对所设计的砧骨激励式压电振子的听力损伤补偿能力进行实验研究。
As for forms of liabilities, there are publicly correction, infringing act cessation, side effects removing and the reputation restoration, apologizing and loss compensation. 在责任形式上,主要有公开更正、停止侵害、消除影响与恢复名誉、赔礼道歉与赔偿损失。
The theory analysis about the problems in variable-speed pump-control-motor governing system has been carried out. And the open-loop speed loss compensation method and the closed-loop PID control method are proposed for system speed loss and motor angular displacement control. 对变转速泵控马达调速系统存在的问题进行了理论分析,并针对系统转速降落和马达角位移控制分别提出了开环转速降落补偿方法和闭环PID控制方法。
Taking into account the actual application, many data cannot be accurate statistical, so ecosystem services compensation and economic loss compensation are given the appropriate estimation method. 考虑到在实际运用时,许多数据无法做到精确统计,对生态系统服务功能补偿和社会经济状况补偿两个部分给出了相应的估算方法。
Those take the outgo of assured actual medical fee, admission fee as insurance money to pay antecedent hospitalization costs insurance, injury by accident insurances to all pertain the insurance of property of loss compensation, can apply insurance subrogation. 那些以被保险人实际医疗费、住院费的支出为保险金给付前提的医疗费用保险、意外伤害保险都属于损失补偿的性质的保险,可以适用保险代位求偿权。
Insurance subrogation is a right of subrogation, and on the right of subrogation is insurance loss compensation principles of derived rights. 保险代位求偿权是一种权利上代位权,与物上代位权都是保险的损失补偿原则的派生权利。
Insurance subrogation system is to ensure that the insured loss compensation in time, prevent the insured with bidirectional claim and unjust enrichment, implement the insurance loss compensation principle is a basic system. 保险代位求偿制度是确保被保险人得到及时损失补偿后,防止被保险人因为拥有双向索赔权利后而不当得利,贯彻保险损失补偿原则的一项基本制度。
These expressions mainly include tax relief system, tax credit system, tax postponement system, accelerated depreciation system, loss compensation system, drawback system and the elimination of double taxation system. 这些表现形式主要有税收减免制度、税收抵免制度、延期纳税制度、加速折旧制度、亏损弥补制度、退税制度以及消除重复征税制度等。